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Month: July 2018

IDEA 029: Care-it

Good evening my dearests! You know what vegetable does not get enough loving? Celery. You know what vegetable I’m still not going to give any love to? Celery. This week’s blogpost is not about that vegetable, but instead about one that is sort of loved depending on who you talk to. I like to call it a controversial vegetable. Do I particularly enjoy eating it raw? Not Really. BUT … do I particularly enjoy eating it after it’s been roasting for a long time allowing the sweet aromas to penetrate its rough exterior? YES! You’ve guessed it, this week’s post relates…

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IDEA 028: Influenza Marketing

Good evening #baddies! I’m sick. I have a cold and I thought why not make my blog a personal one where I share insights of my life with all y’all. As an artist I am constantly inspired by my own life and my surroundings. Laying in bed all day feeling like a truck ran me over but I’m still alive and sweating, in-between my naps, and body aches, I tried to think of puns relating to diseases. I guess I cold’ve done something better (eh eh eh???), but alas in my state of my mind the only thing I could…

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IDEA 027: Stop Shiit Take

Recently my rapper self was ignited. To give you context, last weekend I saw the perfect Shawn Mendes perform and I wrote a rap declaring my love for him. I hope that he never finds this blog and that last sentence I wrote or else we may never go on a first date. To Shawn, I swear I’m not crazy and yes I’d love to get drinks with you. This rap today came to me when I was discussing with some peeps about vegetarian food and somebody said shiitake. Then it hit me, shiitake sounds like SHIT TALKING. So why not combine…

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IDEA 026: A Wok To Remember

Good day my baddies! If anyone asks me what my favourite movie is I will always reply American Beauty. I’ve never felt so understood till I watched a plastic bag dance through the air. I mean how can your heart not quiver a bit with feels watching that scene. Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can’t take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಢ HOWEVER, before I became such a sophisticated moviegoer, my favourite movie of all time was “A Walk To Remember.” I can’t remember the first time I…

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IDEA 025: Eh Plus

To all my Canadian readers out there, Happy Canada Day! Or as some people like saying, “Happy Birthday Canada!” and by some people I mean the popular press. I, of course, fall into this category. I present to you this excerpt from Wikipedia, my favourite source: Key words: popular press. moi. Of course I like to optimize my trending abilities on social media and as such have dedicated my post to this beautiful day. That’s cool eh? p r o d u c t: Eh Plus is a tutoring service company catered towards Canadian youth. We understand the Canadian market and how…

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