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IDEA 018: Diet B Tea

Happy Mother’s Day to all :)! And no I am not in theme this week with the Holiday so don’t start getting worried about my mother’s health. I’d just like to take the time to let all the mother’s out there know how much we all appreciate how hardworking you are because I’m pretty sure being a mother is one of the toughest jobs out there. I’m a difficult human being and the fact that my mother has put up with me all these year’s, that’s cr@zy. I also get to witness my sister raising her children and I often think to myself, “nope that ain’t gonna be me anytime soon that sh!t looks hard (I am referring to literal baby poop jkjk).” Now would be a good time to announce some personal news…I too am in fact a mother. See exhibit A.

Exhibit A: Shirley as a mother

( ˘ ³˘)♥

This mother’s day has been a day of celebration and a day of good weather, and what better way to quench your thirst on a sunny day than with some iced tea.

Introducing this week’s idea Diet B Tea.

p ro d u c t: 

Diet B Tea is THE iced tea for anybody with diabetes or high blood pressure. Our collection of iced teas have the right nutritional balance that allows you to indulge and freshen up.

d i s c l a i m e r:

I do not have diabetes or claim to be a professional that knows anything about diabetes. I am just a punning girl trying to make a name of herself in this world so please do take everything that I write and disclose in this blogpost with a grain of sugar (get it..diabetics can’t have too much sugar m( ̄ー ̄)m).

c o n c e p t:

Diabetes “is a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.” (whispers: Thank you Wikipedia) Now I am no expert in diabetes because I am a disappointment to my parents by not becoming a doctor, so all my knowledge of how my product should be produced is based on the most reliable source of the internet, Google. So how exactly will our teas be made and what makes us different? Well, from a quick google search this is what I found out about diabetes.

So I see that anything sugar related is bad and so is honey, agave nectar and maple syrup. Hmmm…I wonder. Let’s go back to google again!

For every flavour of our drinks we will have a sweetened version and an unsweetened version. There’s just something about those names on top that sound very chemical. We’ll have our naturally sweetened versions and regular versions. The regular versions will be based on just regular iced tea, whereas the sweetened ones, you guessed it will have a natural sweetener in it.

Additionally, each flavour will be named after a health related pun. For example:

  • Lemon Aid
  • Raspy Voice (raspberry)
  • Feel Berry Well
  • Dead Beet
  • Not Peeling Well (banana iced tea…is that even a thing? WELL NOW IT IS!)
  • Encourage Mint

Yes I was somewhat inspired by the new diet coke rebranding with the strip of colour. Their rebranding has really made me want to try a new diet coke flavour, but alas I have not done that yet!

So watch out keto, paleo, atkins, etc, a new diet is in town the B diet…make room for Diet B Tea.

It’s summer, the air is dry, the sun blazing on your hair, sweat glistening on your sun kissed body. You feel this itch in your throat; you’ve got a thirst you must quench. But, you don’t want to go unhealthy, you didn’t work this hard on your summer bod to give it all away to sugary drinks. You scan the drinks section and your eyes linger on…”Diet B Tea”. *refreshed sigh after that satisfying sound from the bottle opening and first gulp*

“Diet B Tea, that’s my remedy”.

Published in Idea Product Uncategorized