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Month: April 2018

IDEA 016: Taro Cards

Welcome to my 16th post! For those of you who don’t know me on a personal level, I’m going to divulge a secret to y’all. My goal in life is to become a crazy lady in a park that reads tarot cards for a small fee to all those that want to discover a lil sumthin’ sumthin’ about their future. At that point in my life I’d hopefully have long locks of unwashed hair and a pet pigeon sitting by my side. I personally believe I have strong intuition (a woman’s intuition babyyy…) and can just feel and channel people’s…

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IDEA 015: Please Leaf

April 22 is the most important day of April after April Fools and 420. It is the day we celebrate EARTH! So to all my dearest baddies (yes I tried to give a nickname to my non-existent fans), Happy Earth Day! Hope that you guys got to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend (depending on where in the world you are). In partnership with the Earth ,I have decided to make this week’s idea Earth-themed so that I can do my part in taking care of the planet. c o n c e p t: Ever tried googling “how to…

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IDEA 014: KOPI Paste

  kopi: Malay/Hokkien term for coffee kopi paste: a pun on the words copy paste; instant coffee that comes in a paste/syrup form c o n c e p t: The concept of this product stems from childhood breakfasts with Nesquik Syrup. Nesquik syrup provided that rush of sugar needed for any child who was too young to drink coffee (being all children). If you guys don’t remember this product let me do a quick google search for you guys: Does this trigger any memories? At first I was quite confused when I saw these, especially the ones that are smooth bodied…

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IDEA 013: Gill Tea

Being the idealistic millennial that I am, I have many moments in my life where I am overwhelmed over what my true purpose is on this earth. I wonder about whether I am living my true, best, and authentic self. I wonder about whether I can be happier or whether I am entitled for having these thoughts. Most of these thoughts lead to the feeling of guilt. They lead to the thought that I am what all those articles talk about: entitled millennials. It may take hours of therapy sessions to cure this guilt along with 45 depression naps and…

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IDEA 012: Cony Island

c o n c e p t: It’s always a yummy time at Cony Island We (by we I mean me) here at mybadideas thrive on innovation. One industry that particularly excites me is the food industry. After all an apple is an apple, so it’s hard to envision innovation in diversity of product offerings within this industry. However, with sustainability and well-being in general being a hot topic these days (literally hot due to global warming), we are seeing tons of new innovative food products. There’s now such a thing as lab-grown meat, where meat is cultured in a…

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