bàGet A new way of using chopsticks p r o d u c t: Edible chopsticks designed to look like long thin baguettes. This is not a 0 to 1 idea that Peter Thiel writes about. In fact the inspiration came from one of those Business Insider videos that always pops up onto my facebook newsfeed about edible plates. So why not use the same concept of biodegradable plates and make chopsticks out of them. I even remember a few years back there was a video about edible spoons, soooo it must be doable. Just today I used one…
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Hello and welcome to my first idea! This is not the first idea that I ever got in my life (that idea is probably something surrounding eating solid foods), but it is the first idea that I will be blogging about. To be honest, I had a blogpost ready last week. However, after asking somebody if the title was well-formatted that person said, “you should probably not post that idea, it’s actually good.” So ~ hairflip~ I did not post it! WHAT IF IT’S MY BILLION DOLLAR IDEA!..but what if this idea is my billion dollar idea! ~shifts eyes~ WITHOUT…