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Month: March 2018

IDEA 011: ip.idress

I’ve had this idea sitting in my phone for a while, but each time I think about publishing it all I can think about is how bad the name is. Then, suddenly today after I ran for my train that I was almost late for (they had to put the steps back down for the train cart just to let me on because they already finished boarding everyone :S my bad), it hit me…my blog isn’t about good ideas, my blog is about BAD ideas. Now you may be wondering what is so BAD about this idea. Well, the idea came to…

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IDEA 010: Eh? Duh! Mommy

Welcome to my 10th bad idea. I am genuinely proud of myself for being able to make it into the double digits. This is quite a success for me as I am the type of person who is interested in 1203980123 things and thus never end up doing 1 of those things consistently. So yay me! But you didn’t come here to listen to me being happy for myself, no you came here to laugh at my ideas and pity my existence. So without further ado, here it goes… c o n c e p t What flavour is this?…


IDEA 009: Sir Prize

Hello, welcome to my 9th bad idea that so happens to be my original 1st bad idea ~ Remember when I mentioned in my first blog post that I had a great idea but a special friend told  me not to publish it cause it could actually be a good idea…well alas I have realized that the chances of executing this idea is low-ish (#neversaynever – JBiebz) and thus I will grace you all with this publication. I randomly selected something on my list and it happened to be the pun “Sir Prize”. I sat there at my desk that…


IDEA 008: Llama Stay

c o n c e p t: “Welcome to Llama Stay, a slice of heaven located in the beautiful country of Peru, a land rich in culture, nature, and llamas. we here at Llama Stay are passionate in helping others attain a state of mindfulness that will allow them to be one step closer in reaching nirvana. Come for a one day stop, short-term stay, or a long-term stay and discover the therapeutic and enlightening remedies of Llama therapy. “ excerpt from our website’s about us page p r o d u c t: Llama Stay is a llama farm turned…

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