As today is Father’s Day, I thought it only fit to have a post that was in theme with the holiday. Now we all know Mother’s Day is quite a commercial success, especially for the floral industry, but what about the dads of the world? Are they not allowed to enjoy floral arrangements that will last at most a week? Have no fear, Shirley is here.
Presenting to you my latest product: Daddylions
And no, it is not some perverse sugar daddy, or zaddy, or hot pappi product, but a genuine gift to show our token of appreciation to our fathers. Honestly, when did the word daddy turn from a loving and endearing term to being used to explain George Clooney-like men?
p r o d u c t:
Daddylion is a bouquet of dandelions for your papa so that he never feels left out again when it comes to the joys of floral arrangements.
c o n c e p t:
I find it infinitely harder to shop for my dad than for my mother. We’ve commercialized and romanticized gifts for women so much that you can literally get your mother the same gift on her birthday, on Mother’s Day, on Valentine’s Day, on Christmas, year over year. Getting your mom jewelry? Just aim for different jewelry. Getting your mom chocolates? Well it doesn’t even matter if they’re different cause we’ll all just eat it up. Getting your mom flowers? Different colour schemes are always good at making the gifts look unique. So why don’t we have the same alternative for men?
A quick google search lead me to this super credible Quora page.
I have highlighted the parts I find most relevant.
I would go as far as claiming that the category of generic romantic gift that is predominantly given to men just doesn’t exist.
I think this is an example of an outdated gender-stereotype where women should step up and do their part in dismantling it.
So here I am as a woman taking a stand and stepping up by providing this lovely service.
You may think dandelions are an odd choice? It’s not exactly a flower, most people look at is as a weed and a pest to them. However, the floral meaning of the dandelion is that it is a gift to a loved one that will provide happiness.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Dandelions represent happiness
Here’s some for you
Now doesn’t that have a nice ring to it? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ summary, maybe we don’t need to always think about what to get our dads or finding alternative generic male gifts, but maybe we should just write a nice letter, a nice ode to our dads. Although it’s hard to show our appreciation everyday we should always try, whether that’s just by saying thank you for something small. None of our relationships are perfect and we should also remember that our parents are humans and thus are not perfect but they try their best with us. We should let them know that their efforts don’t go unnoticed.
So here’s to all the fathers in the world, have a lovely day ~