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Category: Uncategorized

IDEA 001: HTM-ale

Hello and welcome to my first idea! This is not the first idea that I ever got in my life (that idea is probably something surrounding eating solid foods), but it is the first idea that I will be blogging about. To be honest, I had a blogpost ready last week. However, after asking somebody if the title was well-formatted that person said, “you should probably not post that idea, it’s actually good.” So ~ hairflip~ I did not post it! WHAT IF IT’S MY BILLION DOLLAR IDEA!..but what if this idea is my billion dollar idea! ~shifts eyes~ WITHOUT…


Is this a bad idea?

Knowing myself and the success rates of my ideas…there is a high probability that this is a bad idea. However, the list of ideas in my iPhone is getting way too long and I am way too lazy to delete my beautiful (*cough* accidental double chin and awkward angle) selfies to make room for more ideas. Thus, I have created this new blog to document and build on all my terrible ideas. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS URL WASN’T TAKEN??? ME NEITHER! But I will have to admit that I will be @isthisabadidea_ (UNDERSCORE *GASP*) on social media as that handle…

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